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Subcommittee reports

The Reconnecting McDowell Initiative Framework is a working and fluid document that provides a high level overview of each subcommittees’ goals and activities.  It is designed to help the cross-sector subcommittees collaboratively carry out their respective activities and goals.  The framework will reflect the changing circumstances and needs in McDowell County.

Please click on the links below to access the latest reports.

Partner Meeting - September 2019

Partner Meeting - September 2018

Partner Meeting - January 2018

Partner Meeting - March 2016

Partner Meeting - August 2015


Early Childhood Education Subcommittee

Jobs and the Economy Subcommittee

Health, Social, Emotional/Wrap Around Services Subcommittee

Technology Subcommittee

Housing and Transportation Subcommittee

College and Career Pathways Subcommittee

K-12 Instruction Subcommittee

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